We are daughters of our Heavenly Father, he loves us and we love him. We will stand as witness of God in all times, in all things, and in all places.
When I repeat that quote, how does it make you feel, as women in this modern day society? Does it give you a feeling of strength and security? Or feelings of quilt and discouragement?
How do you think that our Heavenly Father would have you feel? How do you think the Satan would have you feel?
I am a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I work in Palmyra, New York, as a tour guide for the historical sites in this area. Every July we have a huge pageant, called the Hill Cumorah Pageant. We have between ten-fifteen thousand people come to our little town every year, during a 10 day period of time. Last year we were assigned to the Book of Mormon Historic Publication site. The place where the Book of Mormon got its start and where it was first sold.
Every day we have about twelve to fifteen hundred people come through our sites a day. We have young sister missionary’s in their early 20’s give the tours. This is the story of a young woman who had just arrived from Argentina a few weeks earlier. So she was vey new to the area, and very unsure of herself. The girls sit on chairs in the back of the building, and as a tour comes up they are assigned. Some of the tours can have up to 50 people on the tour.
We got a call, and we were told that one of our general leaders would be coming to our site, so to be ready. As they drove up my husband looked around and here sat that sweet young sister looking terrified shaking her head and saying no Elder Hamblin “please don’t send me.” He looked right at her, and said “you’re up sister.” Along with this special leader she was surrounded with people all around her, some visitors from Germany. She was scared to death, feeling very inadequate. It turned out that this leader had spent a great deal of time in Argentina and spoke Spanish fluently and she did a wonderful job on the tour. From that moment on this young sister became one of our best tour guides, as she would talk in a loud voice, directing the large groups and keeping their attention. What was the difference in how she directed the tour before she was assigned the General leader, and after? It was her vision of herself and her important role at the sites changed. She was still the same cute new sister, with little experience but now she had more confidence in herself.
And perhaps nothing is more vital today than having a vision, manifest by the Spirit, of who we are and what we can become, of our intrinsic value to the Lord, and of the unparalleled role we must play in these latter days. We are literally the offspring of God, his begotten sons and daughters, with the potential of exaltation (Acts 17:29; D&C 76:24). "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ" (Romans 8:16-17). (Sheri Dew, This is a Test)
But what does Satan want us to believe? He would have us believe that we are worthless and not worthy of our Heavenly Father’s love.
When I was younger
I was lucky enough to be able to attend a women’s conference at BYU. Directed by our women’s organization we call the Relief society. At that time one of the women in the Presidency, Sheri Dew, gave a talk that had thousands of women standing and cheering. The title of the talk is “This is a Test, This is only a Test.” In it she gave 11 things that Satan uses to try to pull women of our church away from the Savior. I have included these 11 items in this blog.
Sister Patricia Holland said something that I find profound: "If I were Satan and wanted to destroy a society, I think I too would stage a full-blown blitz on women" ("‘Many Things . . . One Thing,'" A Heritage of Faith: Talks Selected from the BYU Women's Conferences [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1988], 17).
See if any of the following techniques sound familiar.
1. As we have been discussing, Satan tries to blur our vision of why we're here and get us preoccupied with this life. He would have us distracted by and involved in anything and everything except what we came for.
2. He wants us to feel insignificant—that no matter how hard we try, we'll never make much of a difference. Oh, sure, our work is necessary but not very important. This is a big fat lie. It is a diversion designed to keep us so focused on any perceived injustices that we completely overlook the opportunities and privileges that are ours, that we underestimate the vital nature of our contribution, and that we never come to understand the power we have to change lives.
The gospel, with its sanctifying and redeeming power, is available to all. "Thus we may see that the Lord is merciful unto all [I love that word] who will, in the sincerity of their hearts, call upon his holy name. Yea, thus we see that the gate of heaven is open unto all, even to those who will believe on the name of Jesus Christ" (Helaman 3:27-28).
3. Satan tries to wear us down by creating the image that there is nothing glamorous in enduring to the end. I have always hated talks on enduring to the end because the very phrase makes life seem like drudgery rather than an adventure. And yet the most haunting regret imaginable would be to pass through the veil and, with the full sweep of eternity opened before our eyes, realize that we had sold our birthright for a mess of pottage, that we had been deceived by the distractions of Satan, and that the Big Finish would never be.
4. The adversary encourages us to judge and evaluate each other—a practice that is demeaning to both the person who judges and the one who is judged. I recently had a young woman whose marriage crumbled tell me how much she loves the gospel but how weary she is of feeling that she'll never be accepted because her life hasn't unfolded as she expected it to. If there is any place in the world where every one of us should feel accepted, needed, valued, and loved, it is as sisters in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We ought to give up telling each other how to live our lives. It is wonderful to talk about principles, which apply equally to each of us, but it is rarely helpful to suggest how those principles should be applied.
For example, our prophet has spoken clearly about the importance of building strong families. That's the principle. How that is accomplished, however, will vary from family to family. We could do more good by encouraging each other to develop our spiritual sensitivities so that we can receive inspiration about our own lives. The need for spiritual acuity is universal, for the Lord is in the best position to give advice.
5. Lucifer whispers that life's not fair and that if the gospel were true we would never have problems or disappointments. Bad things shouldn't happen to good members of the Church, should they? The adversary would have us believe that with baptism comes a Magic Kingdom Club Card and that if our lives aren't like perpetual trips to Disney World, we're getting short-changed.
The gospel isn't a guarantee against tribulation. That would be like a test with no questions. Rather, the gospel is a guide for maneuvering through the challenges of life with a sense of purpose and direction. "I feel happy," Brigham Young said. "‘Mormonism' has made me all I am, and the grace, the power, and the wisdom of God will make me all that I ever will be, either in time or in eternity" (Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. [London: Latter-day Saints' Book Depot, 1854–86], 8:162).
6. The adversary attempts to numb us into accepting a sliding scale of morality. Sometimes rationalization overtakes even the best among us. "R-rated movies don't bother me," we sometimes hear. "I go for the story, or the music, and skip over the profanity and the sexually explicit scenes." Yet advertisers pay millions of dollars for a few seconds of airtime on the bet that during brief but repeated exposures to their products we'll be persuaded to try them. If sixty-second ads can influence us to spend money we don't have to buy things we don't need to impress people we don't even like, then how will minutes, hours, months, and years of watching infidelity, violence, and promiscuity affect us? The litmus test for entertainment of any kind is simple: Can you watch or participate in it and still have the Spirit with you?
7. The adversary promotes feelings of guilt—about anything. Pick a topic. You can feel guilty for having a large family—how can any one woman possibly care for eight or nine children? Or for having no children at all—you're not doing your duty. For working outside the home—don't you know what the prophet has said about mothers who seek employment. Or for choosing to stay home—what's the matter, no ambition?
Guilt does not originate with the Savior, who invites us to step to a higher way of living and a more ennobling way of thinking, to do a little better and perhaps a little more. Promptings that come from him are hopeful and motivating rather than defeating or discouraging.
8. Lucifer works hard to undermine our innate tendency to nurture and care for others. His object is to get us so busy and caught up in the "thick of thin things" that we don't have time for each other. Voice messaging is efficient, but it doesn't replace a listening ear and a caring heart. If the adversary can cause us to focus more on our differences than on our similarities, if he can confuse us about who our sisters are and what their eternal potential is, if he can keep us so busy running from one commitment to another that we no longer have time for each other, he has made great strides towards neutralizing the strength and influence that we have.
We need each other. We need each other's testimonies and strength, each other's confidence and support, understanding, and compassion. It is as Martin Luther said: "The kingdom of God is like a besieged city surrounded on all sides by death. Each man [and woman] has [a] place on the wall to defend and no one can stand where another stands, but nothing prevents us from calling encouragement to one another" (in Jeffrey R. Holland and Patricia T. Holland, "Considering Covenants: Women, Men, Perspective, Promises," To Rejoice As Women: Talks from the 1994 Women's Conference [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1995], 105).
9. The adversary would have us hung up on perfection and stymied by the commandment to become perfect. He wants this glorious potential to loom as a giant stumbling block rather than the promise of what is ultimately possible—in other words, to make the Big Finish seem little more than a dream. Every prophet in this dispensation has explained that we should expect not to achieve perfection in this lifetime. The goal instead is to become pure, so that we are increasingly receptive to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.
The Savior doesn't want us to be paralyzed by our errors but to learn and grow from them. He sees us as works in progress. The faith of the brother of Jared was so strong that he was allowed to behold the Lord (Ether 3:13). Yet prior to that remarkable event, there was a time when the Lord chastened him for three hours (Ether 2:14). If the scriptural account had ended there, minus the "rest of the story," our impression of this righteous man would be different. The rest of our stories remains to be told. It is purity, rather than perfection, that we are seeking at this stage of our eternal quest.
10. Lucifer would have us so busy—with family, friends, careers, and every soccer league in town—that there's no time to live the gospel. No time to fast and pray, to immerse ourselves in the scriptures, to worship in the temple—all the things we need to do to "study" for our mortal test. In other words, he wants us to be a little more concerned with the world than with the gospel, a little more interested in life today than in life forever.
11. He delights in portraying religion as something restrictive and austere rather than liberating and life-giving. He depicts the Father and the Son as aloof rulers rather than our deified Father and Elder Brother who love us, who have a vested interest in our future, and whose motive is to help see us through this life so that we are worthy to return to them. He paints eternal life as something out of reach, even other-worldly, something for prophets and a few other select people, a condition you and I could never hope to achieve. And he does everything he can to block the memory of our former home.
He loves it when we seek for security in bank accounts, social status, or professional credentials when ultimate security and peace of mind come only from a connection with the Lord Jesus Christ. He claims victory when we rely on others for spiritual strength—on husbands, leaders, friends, family members. He doesn't want us to find out how intimate our connection with our Father and Elder Brother can be and how palpable and sustaining their love is.
In short, he tries to keep us at arm's length from Jesus Christ. Oh fine, if we profess him to be the Savior—talk is cheap! And if the adversary can keep us so distracted that we never really seek, embrace, and commit ourselves to the Lord, then we will also never discover the healing, strengthening, comforting power available because of the Atonement. We will never know that because of the Savior we have access to everything we need to pass this test.
The antidote to the distractions of the adversary is Jesus Christ. Light is stronger than darkness. Jesus Christ illuminates our vision of who we are and why we are here and gives us courage to move forward in the journey toward our heavenly home.
We as women in the world today need to accept and embrace our potential as strong, beautiful daughters of a loving Heavenly Father. Who would have us become everything he would have us become. We are created in his image, and we are born with royal blood, born to become Queens and Priestesses.
Quoting from Sheri Dew’s talk “This is a Test, this is only a Test.”
Eleven years ago President Ezra Taft Benson issued this charge: "There has never been more expected of the faithful in such a short period of time than there is of us. Never before on the face of this earth have the forces of evil and the forces of good been as well organized. . . . The final outcome is certain—the forces of righteousness will win. But what remains to be seen is where each of us . . . will stand in the battle—and how tall we will stand. . . . Great battles can make great heroes and heroines" ("In His Steps," address to Church Educational System personnel, Anaheim, California, 8 February 1987).
My dear sisters, you have been called to live and work and raise families in the twilight of the dispensation of the fullness of times, and you are nothing less than the best the Lord has ever had. You are heroines in every sense of that word. Which is why the Lord needs us to arise and be everything we can be. President Howard W. Hunter put it this way: "There is a great need to rally the women of the Church to stand with and for the Brethren in stemming the tide of evil that surrounds us and in moving forward the work of our Savior. . . . Only together can we accomplish the work he has given us to do and be prepared for the day when we shall see him" (Ensign, November 1992, 96).
I believe him. The impact of righteous, determined, pure-hearted women today is immeasurable. It doesn't matter where you live, whether or not you have children, how much money you have, or how talented you think you are—or aren't. This is a day when the Lord and his kingdom need women who are firmly grounded in their testimony of Jesus Christ; women of vision who have their sights trained on the purpose of life; women who can hear the voice of the Lord, expose the distractions of the adversary for what they are, and press forward with a sense of purpose and a desire to contribute; women who are articulate as well as compassionate; women who understand who they are, and where they are going, and are determined to not let anything keep them from getting there.
We as women of the latter day world have an incredible opportunity to shine and to make the world a much happier place to live. I know with all my heart that Heavenly Father loves us and wants the very best for us in this life.
If you have any more questions about the roles women play in this world. Go to mormon.org and hear a modern day prophet President Gordon B Hinckley talk about how the Savior feels about women.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
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I would like to comment on your question at the beginning of your post. How does the Young Woman Theme make me feel. I had an experience about two years ago that was very disturbing. I had a confrontation with a person that was very ugly and abusive. I could not get the words and yelling out of my mind and the hurt out of my heart. I went to the temple and when I was in the temple I prayed that the Lord would help me heal. The words of this theme came to my mind as if the Lord himself were talking to me. Only I substituted the word I for we. (I am a daughter of Heavenly Father who loves me and I love him!) I knew that I had done nothing to initiate the violence that was thrown at me. I knew that I had stood as a witness of God. I knew I loved my Heavenly Father and I knew he loved me. I could feel his love for me that day so strong. I knew I had a divine nature and that divine nature would help me through any trial. I knew that I had individual worth and that helped me realize that I need to fear God and not man, and that no man could tear that down or destroy my worth in the site of God with words. The Young Women's theme was a great blessing to me to help me know of my worth during hard times. I know it was inspired to help us combat Satan's lies. I have been a YW leader on and off for 30 years now. I know the Lord inspires the YW to be blessed to fulfill their roles on this earth. Sorry this is long and deep.